Moving Calculator
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9-10 Room Professional Moving Kit
Ready to move like the Pros? This time and money-saving kit is perfect for moving a 9-10 room home and includes kitchen dish pack boxes, a heavy duty tape dispenser, packing paper and nearly five football fields of tape. Your kit will arrive at your door with a great combination of 187 boxes and supplies to help make your move easier.
187 Boxes & Accessories
(50) Smalls (16"x13"x13")
(70) Mediums (18"x18"x16.5")
(39) Larges (24"x18"x18")
(20) XLarges (23"x23"x16")
(8) Kitchen Dish Pack Boxes (18"x18"x22")
(25) lbs of Packing Paper
(495) Yards Tape
(1) Heavy Duty Tape Dispenser
(2) Markers
9-10 Room Professional Moving Kit
Includes Free Shipping